From science to health: how to apply natural extracts in medicine, nutrition and wellbeing
Francisco Javier Redondo, head of the anaesthesiology service at the General University Hospital of Ciudad Real
Antonio Serrano García, CEO of Maktuk Horses Botanic (Leagropharma)
Miguel Herrero, senior researcher at the Food Science Research Institute (CIAL-CSIC) of the Spanish National Research Council
Ignacio Gracia Fernández, UCLM university professor, moderator
Marino Bañón Arnao
Marino Bañón Arnao
Diego Simón
Diego Simón
Miguel Herrero
Miguel Herrero
Ignacio Gracia Fernández
Ignacio Gracia Fernández
Transforming natural ingredients into business opportunities
Marino Bañón Arnao, professor of plant physiology at the University of Murcia
Diego Simón, scientific director of Alvinesa Natural Ingredients
Miguel Herrero, senior researcher at the Food Science Research Institute (CIAL-CSIC) of the Spanish National Research Council
Representative of the company AINIA
Ignacio Gracia Fernández, UCLM university professor. Moderator
Miguel Herrero, investigador titular del Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL-CSIC) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España
Ignacio Gracia Fernández, catedrático de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Modera
Mariana de Gracia Canales
Mariana de Gracia Canales
Carlos Franco
Carlos Franco
Antonio Rondán
Antonio Rondán
Alberto Marcilla
Alberto Marcilla
What Government aid can I apply for for the development of natural products
Mariana de Gracia Canales , vice-minister of Common Agricultural and Agri-environmental Policy of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
Carlos Franco, technical advisor at CDTI and expert in the evaluation of national and international R&D&I projects in the agri-food sector
Antonio Roldán, from the communication and promotion division of Enisa
Alberto Marcilla, director of Globalcaja Rural Banking. Moderator
Flavio Guidi
Flavio Guidi
Gonzalo Ortiz
Gonzalo Ortiz
Lourdes Calvo
Lourdes Calvo
Ignacio Gracia Fernández
Ignacio Gracia Fernández
Breaking new ground: training and research in the natural extracts sector
Flavio Guidi, head of section of the biotechnology department of the Canary Islands Technological Institute (ITC).
Gonzalo Ortiz, doctoral researcher at the Albaladejito Agroforestry Research Centre (CIAF – IRIAF).
Lourdes Calvo, vice-president of FLUCOMP (Association of Compressed Fluids Experts)
Ignacio Gracia Fernández, university lecturer at UCLM. Moderator
Farayde Matta
Farayde Matta
Diego Amores
Diego Amores
Inés Sagrario
Inés Sagrario
Henrik Stamm Kristensen
Henrik Stamm Kristensen
Adrián Verdugo
Adrián Verdugo
Food Tech Trends
Farayde Matta, scientific Director (CRO) Bio2coat
Diego Amores, founder and managing director of Entomo Agroindustrial
Inés Sagrario, co-founder and CEO of Ekonoke
Henrik Stamm Kristensen, founder and CEO of Blendhub
Adrián Verdugo, manager of the StartmeUp area of Deloitte. Moderator
Day 2
Friday 17 January
Jesús Ángel Peñaranda
Jesús Ángel Peñaranda
Angel Lara Mendieta
Angel Lara Mendieta
Juan Carlos Bermejo
Juan Carlos Bermejo
Fernando Romero González
Fernando Romero González
David Rodríguez Virgós
David Rodríguez Virgós
Joan Ruiz
Joan Ruiz
María Amores Rey
María Amores Rey
An innovative cooperative: transforming products into solutions for the future
Jesús Ángel Peñaranda, sectoral technician at the Castilla-La Mancha agri-food cooperatives. Moderator
Ángel Lara Mendieta, director of Destilerías Manchegas SCL
Juan Carlos Bermejo, director of Cereal Alcamancha S. Coop
David Rodríguez Virgós, general manager at COOPAMAN, S.C.L.
Joan Ruiz, head of R&D&I at Grup Unio
María Amores Rey, head of marketing and communication at Grupo Montes Norte
Francisco López
Francisco López
Ángela Aparicio
Ángela Aparicio
Mario González- Mohino Palacios
Mario González- Mohino Palacios
The agriculture of the future: data, mechanization and new production models
Francisco López, CEO, Oasis Analítica
Ángela Aparicio, head of precision agriculture Trivium Agronomy and Machinery
Mario González- Mohino Palacios, CEO, Agromarketing. Moderator
Ignacio Lobato
Ignacio Lobato
Juan Gallego
Juan Gallego
Esaú Martinez Burgos
Esaú Martinez Burgos
Success stories to understand the boom in nuts and dried fruit
Ignacio Lobato, CEO of Domo Pistachio
Juan Gallego, founder and CEO of Grupo Iberopistacho
Esaú Martinez Burgos, senior research technician, El Chaparrillo Research Centre. Moderator.
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